About Cygnet Primary School

Educational Program

The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia and the Australian Curriculum underpins the teaching, learning, assessment and reporting processes at Cygnet Primary School. Alongside curriculum requirements, students also develop the general capabilities and 21st Century skills (such as creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, resilience and others) that will enable them to be positive life-long learners and happy, productive members of society. All students participate in Music, Drama, Auslan, Physical Education (PE) and Health Programs.

Co-curricular Programs

A variety of programs are offered at various times of the year to support the regular classroom teaching and learning programs. These include:

  • Curriculum and culture-based excursions/incursions
  • School camps/Canberra Tour (currently under review)
  • NAIDOC Week activities
  • Huon Valley Arts Festival
  • Music Ensembles – Choir, Marimba, Guitar and Strings
  • Music instrument tuition (piano, guitar, woodwind and brass)
  • Australian Mathematics Competition
  • Maths Relay
  • Children’s University
  • School Sport Carnivals
  • Huon & Channel Sport Carnivals
  • Sporting Schools clinics
  • Learn to Swim and Water Safety Program (Years 3 – 5)


Communication between school and home is vital in supporting the education of our students. Please be aware of the current communication methods, and please contact the school if you would like to receive the school newsletter via email.

  • Website
  • Facebook
  • School newsletter (monthly) via hard copy, email and website
  • SZapp (made by Schoolzine)
  • Class newsletters (one per term)
  • SeeSaw (within classes)


There are currently seven bus routes that service the school. The buses arrive between 8:30 – 8:45 in the mornings and depart the school at approximately 3:00 in the afternoons. Please contact the office for further information.


An enrolment package containing important information, policies and the relevant forms to be completed can be obtained by contacting the office.

Fees and Levies

School Fees are an essential part of the school’s income. All parents/guardians are required to pay, or to organise payment, towards the cost of their child’s education. These fees cover the costs of student stationary, art supplies, minor excursions and performance groups that come to the school.

Families eligible for the Student Assistance Scheme (STAS) can organise to have their fees paid by this Scheme instead. STAS application forms are available from the school.

The 2023 School levies are as follows:

Kindergarten:    $150

Prep – Grade 2  $195

Grade 3 – 6       $215

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

The school has Microsoft Surface tablets, iPads, laptops and desktop computers available for student use and a wireless network available in most areas of the school. Some of these devices are available in the classrooms and there is a full class set of tablets in the Computer Lab. Students are encouraged to develop their ICT skills through a variety of grade-based learning activities. The school has a subscription to Mathletics and Literacy Planet for all Prep – Year 6 students.

Launching into Learning (LiL)

The Launching into Learning program for birth to 4 year old’s is run every Thursdays from 9am – 11am during school terms. 

Parent Involvement

Parent help is a rewarding experience and is greatly appreciated. There are a number of ways that parents can become involved at the school, either as a once-off or on a regular basis. Parents must have a current Working With Vulnerable People Registration to assist with students. Before volunteering, the school must sight the Working With Vulnerable People card and record the registration number of the holder.

Click on the button below for more information and to start the application process. Information is also available at the school and we can assist parents with the process if that helps. The cost is approximately $18 for 3 years.

Working With Vulnerable People Registration

Please contact the school for more information about any of the opportunities below.

School Association – The School Association meets regularly throughout the year to discuss school priorities, policies and future directions. An Executive Committee is elected/selected however all parents are welcome to attend meetings.

Breakfast Club – This free service operates Monday – Friday from 8:30am, serving nutritional and healthy food options to the 25 – 50% of students who drop in each day. This extremely important service requires 2 – 3 volunteers each day to function properly.

Classroom Help – Parents are encouraged to volunteer for one or more of the following activities:

  • Help with teaching and learning programs (including cooking)
    • Excursions
    • Transport
    • Sport and cultural events

School Times

8:55 am Daily Fitness
9:15 am Learning Block 1
10:50 am Recess/Play
11:20 am Eating/Learning Block 2
1:00 pm Lunch/Play
1:30 pm Eating/Learning Block 3
2:55 pm Dismissal

Student Leadership

The Student Representative Council (SRC) is comprised of two School Captains, two Vice Captains and student reps from Years 3 – 6. They provide a voice for the student body on such matters as student recognition (awards and certificates), playtime activities and ways the school can improve. They also organise fundraising events and activities that develop school spirit. House Captains help run the various school carnivals for swimming, cross country and athletics. All students participate in a Daily Fitness Program, led by the Year 6 students, and at times older ‘buddy classes’ have leadership opportunities as well.

Student Learning Support

We endeavour to create learning environments that motivate and enable all students to achieve at their potential. Our support teacher works with teachers, teacher assistants and our Aboriginal Education Worker to develop learning plans, support and extension programs that provide rich learning opportunities for students who require adjustments to the regular program. A number of specialists visit the school each week to offer learning and social/emotional support for students, including a psychologist, social worker, speech therapist and school chaplain.

Student Wellbeing

Student wellbeing is an important element of our overall planning and organisation. The Virtues Project is a key component of this program. Through the virtues students are guided to access the goodness already within and develop additional strengths to help with learning and social challenges when they arise. Positive psychology and the development of a growth mindset are other key elements of the program. Together these programs help to develop resilient and socially-confident students. These programs also develop the qualities of character, including empathy, to stamp out bullying. Cygnet Primary School has zero tolerance for bullying.

Our Virtues Program

Our Virtues Program

At Cygnet Primary School, we have adopted a Virtues Program. Click here to view a short video on You Tube, describing our program.


2023 Term Dates

Term 1 Start: Wednesday 8th February

Term 1 Finish: Wednesday 5th April

Term 2 Start: Wednesday 26th April

Term 2 Finish: Friday 7th July

Term 3 Start: Tuesday 25th July

Term 3 Finish: Friday 29th September

Term 4 Start: Monday 16 October

Term 4 Finish: Thursday 21 December (students) Friday 17 December (teachers)

Uniform Policy

The Everyday Uniform consists of the following items available from the school office:

  • Green polo shirt with CPS Logo
  • Green polar fleece jacket with CPS Logo
  • Green spray jacket with CPS Logo
  • Hats with a 360 degree brim must be worn for all outdoor activities in Term 1.

The footwear to accompany the Everyday Uniform must be enclosed shoes.  Sandals and thongs may only be worn for pool or beach activities.  The bottom half of the uniform may consist of shorts, pants, skirt/skort or leggings in green, black or grey.  These may be purchased elsewhere.

Additional Dress Code requirements are as follows:

  • Jewellery is not permitted with the exception of a wristwatch, and for students with pierced ears, sleepers/studs.
  • Make-up or nail polish is not permitted with the exception of dress up days and special events
  • Hair – for health and hygiene reasons students with long hair need to have their hair tied back.  Hair accessories are not to impede the wearing of a sun hat. 
  • Non-school uniform jackets, including hoodies are not to be worn on school excursions or inside school buildings
  • Hats, hoods and beanies are not to be worn inside school buildings

Hats with a 360 degree brim must be worn at playtimes and on outdoor excursions from September to April. These can be purchased from the office for $5. As we are a SunSmart School, baseball caps are not acceptable.

Mobile Use By Students 

The DoE policy requires that student mobile phones must be switched off and securely stored from the time they arrive at school until they leave school at the end of the day with the following exceptions as outlined below.  Students with ‘smart watches’ must set them to ‘aeroplane mode’.  All outside communication with students during the school day must be through the school office.  Where students don’t adhere to the policy, schools will utilise their existing student behavior policy.

Exceptions include:

  • For students for whom a reasonable adjustment to a learning program is required because of a disability and/or learning difficulty. Example: assistive technologies such as translation or text enlargement on their mobile phone.
  • For students with health conditions. Example: if a diabetic, using an app to monitor blood sugar levels.
  • For students who are young carers. Example: formal caring responsibilities for family members.
  • For students participating in school activities outside of normal school hours. Example: camps etc.
  • Where direct instruction by a teacher to use the device for educational purposes is provided.
  • For extenuating circumstances, where agreed to by the principal.